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About our shop

We are operating a wedding costume rental shop "BRIDAL SALON Ai".

Since its inception, we value Japanese Kimono tradition, and lots of brides and grooms wear them.

It is said that the most beautiful Kimono is "Iro Uchikake" of all bride's Kimono, which are worn on

only called wedding day , It is a special costume packed with skillful craftsmanship.

The ones made from silk are considered to be most valuable Kimono of all.

The embroidery, which takes a lot of time and effort, can be said to be a work of art.

Iro Uchikake, which is woven from silk and lavishly embroidered with gold and silver threads, is considered to be a very valuable Kimono.

Even though "Iro Uchikake" finishes its role as a wedding costume, it is still very valuable.

We would like people to feel closer to "Iro Uchikake", so we started a project as a next step of "Iro Uchikake" by framing them.

This project is called "MIYABI"

MIYABI supports SDGs(Sustainable Development Goals) which aims sustainable society for areas, countries, and the future.

There are many things which can be done in wedding industry as a consumer a producer.

We have been working on it through "Kimono Art"

Our soul is not only to pass down kimono culture, but also to deliver you a new attractive side of Kimono.






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